miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2009

To start smiling

Martin Pinot Picabia

How poor could be the life of someone that hardly can find a single expectation, there is not something like people needs hope to keep trying when the only single thing needed to get up every morning is figure out that you are alone and already dead like all other tedious people out there, walking in the crowd, drinking in a full off bar, reading in a public library, how lonely could you feel yourself when you are not alone?, how empty seems to be the world when you got nothing to do with your almost void potential, from there precisely is where you can realize what is the difference between happy and real people, those happy persons you see everywhere are so pity to me, wandering around building flawed lives from nothing but a pitiful hope, expectation, prospect or something with a big name, they also put their entire devotion in banal concepts like wealth, mercy, health, love..., when the only real matter they got is an infinite sadness just like normal unhappy real people. What to do then with this long short life that some unconscious give to us?...
Just breathe and wait for one person that agree with you to stop talking, thinking, rambling and finally stop breathing without shame but with a smile.

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La Consigna

La Consigna

"las grandes verdades se dicen en los vestíbulos" E. M. C.

Desquisiada Poesía del Mundo

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