sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2009

God Help The Girl

Post Noctambulo seGnoras y Segnores!!!

Pituco lo recomendó o fue Perro Negro, bueno la cosa fue que salió a manera de comentario en la barra del bar!

Lindo muy lindo el disco

God Help The Girl

There is no way I'm looking for a boyfriend
There is no way I'm looking for a scene
I need to save some dough
I'm a working girl, you know
I'll fend attention off I keep to myself

I love my room, I'm getting used to sleeping
Some nights I really like to lie awake
I hear the midnight birds
The message in their words
The dawn will touch me in a way a boy could never touch
Their promise never meant so much to me

You have been warned, I'm warned to be contrary
Backward at school, I wrote from right to left
Teacher never cared for me
Preacher said a prayer for me
God help the girl, she needs all the help she can get

I sit for hours just waiting for his phone call
I'll leave the chocolate hidden in the fridge
I'll play his messages
Analyze his intonation
Please stop me there, I'm even boring myself

I think of him when I'm doing the dishes
I think of him while looking in the sink
This ain't no play on words
My love for him is absurd
If he gave me a sign I'd think about it for a week
I'd build it up and then I'd turn him down

You have been warned, I'm warned to be contrary
Backward at school, I wrote from right to left
Teacher never cared for me
Preacher said a prayer for me
God help the girl, she needs all the help she can get

mas info aqui

la págima de la peli es esta

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La Consigna

La Consigna

"las grandes verdades se dicen en los vestíbulos" E. M. C.

Desquisiada Poesía del Mundo

  • Capital del Dolor - Paul Eluard
  • Una Nube en pantalones y otros poemas - V. Maiakovski
  • 100 Poemas - Li Po
  • El hombre aproximativo - Triztán Tzara
  • El Spleen de París - Charles Baudelaire
  • Presencia Terrible (Take III) - Juan E.Domínguez, A. Teófilo Hernández, Martin Pinot Picabia
  • Soy Vertical - Pero preferiría ser Horizontal - Sylvia Plath
  • Los Ditirambos de Dionisio - Frederic Nietzsche
  • Pomes All Sizes - Jack Kerouac
  • La Caida de América - Allen Ginsberg
  • El Hundimiento del Titanic y otros poemas - Hans Magnus Erzemberguer
  • De Dónde son las Palabras - Luisa Futoranski
  • Palabras para Julia y otros Poemas - J. A. Goytisolo
  • An American Prayer - James Douglas Morrison
  • Song To Myself - Walt Whitman
  • Las Hojas de Hypnos - René Char
  • Las Uvas de la Ira - René Char
  • La Balada de la Cárcel de Reading - Oscar Wilde
  • Howl - Allen Ginsberg
  • El Barco Ebrio - Arthur Rimbaud
  • El Cementerio Marino - Paul Válery
  • El Pesa-Nervios - Antonin Artaud
  • El Testamento - Francois Villón
  • Ex Manifesto Rex - J. S. Solís C. y Luis F. Ruiz
  • La Extracción de la Piedra de la Locura - Alejandra Pizarnik
  • Las Flores del Mal - Carolus Baldelarius
  • Las Iluminaciones - Arthur Rimbaud
  • Las Úlceras de Adán - Héctor Rojas Herazo
  • Los Poetas Malditos - Paul Verlaine
  • Peleando a la Contra - Henry Chinaski
  • Poesias - Isidore Ducasse - Conde de Lautreamont
  • Poesía Impura - Iván Tubau
  • Una temporada en el Infierno - Arthur Rimbaud
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