jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

"Your Lucky Day in Hell" - Eels


Y bueno, el titulo lo dice todo!

Mama grapped onto the milkman's hand
and then she finally gave birth
years go by still i don't know
who shall inherit this earth
and no one will know my name until it's on a stone

this could be your lucky day in hell
never know who it might be at your doorbell
this could be your lucky day in hell

waking up with an ugly face
winston churchhill in drag
looking for a new maternal embrace
another tired old gag
am i just a walking bag of chewed up dust and bones

this could be your lucky day in hell
never know who it might be at your doorbell
this could be your lucky day in hell

father theresa you can't make me into you
i never wanna be like you
why can't you see it's me
you know it's time to let me go

this could be your lucky day in hell
never know who it might be at your doorbell
this could be your lucky day in hell


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La Consigna

La Consigna

"las grandes verdades se dicen en los vestíbulos" E. M. C.

Desquisiada Poesía del Mundo

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